Friday, March 6, 2009

Talent show and The brute.

So I just got back from the talent show. Our act made everybody laugh since our Young Womens is known for being extrmely spiritual. I'm not kidding, I swear we all cry ever other week because our lessons are so intense.
And I absolutely have to tell you this, it's SO funny. Our sunday school teachers are married to each other and they're really new to the ward. The girl's really pretty and the guy's kind of a nerd, but all of the guys in our class have huge crushes on the wife. It's hilarious.
One of them is especially in love. Let's call him Bob to avoid confusion. He's one of those guys who never shows any emotion. Dead serious, it weirds me out ever time I see him smiling just 'cause it's so out of character. He's really shy. Apparently he's only like that in front of girls... but I wouldn't know, he stops talking every time I'm around. He almost never laughs. In fact I'm the only girl in our ward who can pull it off and I have to be talking about foot ball, video games or Star Wars. But every time this girl does something he laughs, and he thinks he's being nice but it's just kind of awkward and hard to keep a straight face whenever it happens. Not to mention he compliments her on everything.
So the girl sang a song for the show(she has an amazing voice) and the entire time me and the girl I was sitting with were watching Bob's face. It was SO funny! He was trying not to look at her by pretending to be looking at something in his hands under the table, but he snuck a look every ten seconds or so. The funniest part though was that he was trying SO hard not to smile, but he wasn't suceeding and he was blushing really badly. Then he gave her a standing ovation when she was finished and his friends joined in with him to save him some embarassment.
The next person on was her husband and some other guys and they were really good. Then, near the end I had an awesome idea. I told the girls around me that we should give him a standing ovation. So we did and you should have seen the look on Bob's face. He wasn't sure whether to laugh or not, but his face was extremely red.
So I decided that I'm gunna make fun of Bob (I'm hoping he'll take it well) by pretending to have a crush on the guy teacher. I started this off by telling him I thought it was "neat" that he "went up there and... like sang like that".
And at every table they had a bunch of pages from colouring books and some crayons, so I coloured a picture of a pirate for him and wrote "To Travis from Christi" on the back in kindergardten style writing.
This is going to be very entertaining, and I hope this guys catches on and doesn't think I actually have a crush on him 'cause that'd be really awkward.

I have no idea whether you've ever heard of Antone Chekov, but he was a Russian play writer who wrote a lot of one act plays. Our class re-enacted "The Brute" and for a project me and two of my friends re-did the play in front of the class. I wrote it and the teacher wanted to keep it because she liked it so much. She's the evil one who drew a smiley face on my poem. I find that kind of weird because she REALLY hates me. I think she's given me three detentions for very unreasonable things, like being a few minutes late one time. Most teachers give you a detention if you're late twice a week or three times in a reporting period.
So I think the re-written version that I did is pretty good, so here it is.

Sorry, I tried to do a link, but it didn't work. If you don't believe me here you go.
The Brute

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