Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alas, Eden

I wrote this poem for a Language Arts(A.K.A english) assignment in response to the book Alas, Babylon.
In case you've never read it or heard of it, it's basically about a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia. This leads to an almost post-apocolyptic life lived by the few survivors. I didn't really like the book much. It was pretty cool, but it wasn't much of a story as for description and having an interesting plot.
So I wrote this myself and I liked it. My teacher gave me a 10/10 and drew a smiley face next to my mark. From what I've been told this rarely ever happens as this teacher is kind of evil.
My favourite part personally is the last two lines. Whenever I'm having one of those moments (you know, the ones you get when you're on the peak of a mountain overlooking a lake at sunset) I always repeat them to myself.

Alas, Eden

Through Adams transgression all men are bound
To this new world of pain and of ground
Once we had a paradise as wide as the world
But the banner of war we alone have unfurled
The Garden of Eden has been ripped away
By our repeated history of men gone astray
Again and again we regret our actions
But yet we get worse fraction by fraction
None seem to know few figure it out
An unfortunate fate this is not about
Some ask what stops us from reaching perfection
Few seem to see it is our own transgression
Our race is prone to fighting each other
We strive for peace but really who bothers?
The peace keepers way is seen as weak
Fighting and strength the only path to the peak
Only one can be right they always insist
The only solution must be using our fists
The fear and the hurt we bring on ourselves
We become proud of and place it on our shelves
When men go to battle they do not see
They only know their forced enemy
They do not remember
They don’t understand
Across their fingers they’ve put their own bands
If they could just stop and close their eyes
They’d see right through their own disguise
They would see the flowers, the cool green grass
The lack of pain that can never last
The peace that used to be is in the past
Gone forever what used to shine
Few claim this gift to define
But if you could just stop and simply listen
You’d hear the long lost sounds of heaven

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