Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Talent Show and Christi Shrute.

Our ward recently started having an annual talent show and last year all the Young Woman did a sort of musical number. This didn't really require much talent, all we did was play Reach For The Stars by S Club 7 using a CD player, and mouth the words. The hardest part was coming up with a dance to do while "singing" it, which only took us about 3 hours to work out and memorize. My friend and I got to do this duet thing, then at the end the same friend and I jumped off the stage to dance the last verse. I have to say it was pretty pro.
So this year we're doing basically the same thing but with this snowman song. It's basically a couple of lines from a bunch of songs and the words are changed so that they relate to a snowman.
Like "Buddy you're some snow sitting in the back yard, gunna be a snow man some day, you got coal of your face, big disgrace ...something something... we will, we will melt you"
I thought it was kinda lame at first, but we came up with this awesome dance. We each take our turn having the spotlight every time the tune changes. I got "the final meltdown" I basically do the air guitar with one of those ribbonny things while everybody else does some free style with their ribbonny thingies.
We're also gunna put on white face paint, wear scarves, glove etc... and top hats. It's gunna be awesome.
This song was inspired by the Primary snowman song and that's how it starts and ends.
My favourite part is deffinently when Brooke goes gangster for her solo with the "we will melt you" part. She's so pro at stuff like that.

On a completely different note, my friend that went on the cruise came back insisting that she met a guy who is perfect for me. She does this ALL the time. She keeps on having "epiphanies" of me hooking up with random guys. It's quite annoying. I think she's tried to set me up with almost half the guys we know. This time it's some guy I've never met, but apparently he has a simular sense of humour and he's obsessed with the office.
Also, on that note, a while ago my sister and I found my dad's old glasses and we started trying to do impersonations of Dwight Shrute from the Office. I have to say, mine was pretty awesome. Then the next day I kept on saying stuf like...
"Question!... When somebody asks me what my favourite colour is, what is my response?"
*They answer*
"False, my favourite colours are black and white, but most people - the idiots- insist that neither are colours. I, of course disagree, but to avoid conflict I just say green,"
If you watch the office you're probably lying on the floor laughing. So anyways, here's a picture.

When my nephew saw this he looked at me and said "Oh, auntie Christi, you're not very pretty in this picture," and I think that sums it up. lol. I don't usually look this um... unattractive I swear. The combined force of the wet hair, parted bangs, glasses and fake double chin didn't compliment my eyes the way I thought they would...

So yeah, I've decided that next Halloween, I am totally being Dwight. It's gunna be awesome since I can act and look pretty much just like him. I only need to find a tanish button up shirt, something to make me look pot-bellied and I need to learn a bunch of random facts about stuff and question people on said facts. I don't think I have to worry much about that until it's a little closer to Halloween though.
Oh yeah, and a name tag so I won't get asked who I am ask much and some nerdy pants.

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