Friday, February 27, 2009

Badminton Team.

I made the badminton team! Hurray for me! They still only cut one person, and I knew it wasn't going to be me, but I'm still happy. The girl that got cut was my partner for most of the second try-out and... well... yeah. I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and I can't find my glasses. Kind of depressing. I've looked everywhere, and as far as I'm concerned I just took them off before going to bed, but they're nowhere in my bedroom. I can't find my old glasses either so I'm stuck wearing contacts whenever I want to see.
My nephew had a "sleep over" last night and convinved his mom to let him stay over night again which means he's coming to church with us tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if he just ends up following me around instead of going to primary.
I just got back from watching my nephew's Timbit hockey game. I have to say those five years olds could school me if I were on the ice. Not to mention they're too adorbale to take the puck away from.
After the game (we won - not that it matters with Timbits) my Dad, my sister, my two nephews and I went 5 pin bowling. I've never done 5 pin, and it's been a couple of years since I last bowled at all, so I only pulled a 123. I did get a strike on my first try though.
I have this weird beginners luck thing. I think I must have really good intuition because when I'm not thinking about something I do it really well, but then when I do well I start to think about how I did it and I almost always mess up the second time.
There was a dance last night. I went with my non-member friend but neither of us knew that it was Sunday dress, so we had to wait out in the hall for our parents to bring us skirts. Then she invited some guy who came wearing skinny jeans. He borrowed an extra button-up shirt and tie (which I had to show him how to do up) and he almost got kicked out because of his pants. It was kinda funny.
Apparently now they're going to make us bring dance cards. I've gone to about four dances and I've gotten in without one no problem. In fact I don't think I've ever even been asked for one. To be honest I don't know what one looks like, but I guess I should consider getting one if the stake leaders are serious about being more strict with letting people in.
I don't usually go to dances, simply because I can't dance and other than dancing the only thing to do is talk and that's kind of hard with the music and everything. It's been so long since I've been to one that the first time a guy asked me to dance I needed to think about which hand went on his shoulder.
I was kind of mad at all my friends because the only reason I went to this dance was because they all got upset when I said I probably wasn't going. So I gave in and said I'd go, but only one of them showed up. I still enjoyed myself though. The friend I brought moved last year, so we haven't seen each other since. We still talk on the phone, but I'm the most awkward person in the world when I'm on the phone. I don't know what it is, I feel like I'm missing a sense or something. It's like walking around the block with your eyes closed.
Anyways, that's what happened today and yesterday, in case you were wondering.

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