Friday, January 30, 2009

Why Exactly I Choose to only have one blog.

Most of the members of YFAIR have two blogs. One depicts them as just your average person, telling about day-to-day adventures and thoughts and the other contains the depth of their spirituality and shows them as some sort of super-mormon who thinks of nothing else but their religion. In other words one shows the activities of a human and the other of a person who simply doesn't exist. Even if the Prophet himself were to create a blog he'd still mention, or at least be tempted to mention some everyday occurences.
There's something warned against by our church and that is being Mormon sometimes and a "regular person" other times. I never think of myself as just another person. I think of myself as a Mormon, it is part of my iddentity, my past, my worldview and my personality. I don't think I could split my everyday adventures and my spiritual experiences into two definite descriptions as the two intertwine too much. I'm 100% Mormon 100% of the time and I don't think that I'd be able to accomplish what I want if I displayed myself as anything but.
The general reason that members of YFAIR are being encouraged to create these blogs is to get our message out there, gain some necissary popularity. Not that there's anything wrong with this, but I see that kind of as advertising. Of course advertising works and it's needed, but I've decided to spread the message on a completely different level. Whether this level is higher or lower you can be the judge, but I think it's what needs to be done; by me anyways.
What I want to accomplish through this blog is to gather some people who can follow my blog and realize that I am a person. Most of my friends view me as the innocent little Mormon girl who's off in some other level of life that they couldn't possibly understnad. Personally, I think this detatches us, no matter how much they may admire my solitary stand of perception.
What I want my blog followers and pass-by readers to see is that I am their equal. I am not some super-human, I am merely passionate about something they are not.
If I may give you a metaphor, a Mormon and non-Mormon are like a writer and a musician. Both are passionate about their work, but don't understand each other's professions. They don't think of each other as different levels of human though do they? If these two people are smart they will realize that they are both trying to reach the same destination and are merely taking different roads.
I want people to see that connection, I want them to think of me as an equal and not as an idol. I don't want people to try to be like me, I just want to make that connection. We're all human here, you can't deny it. We're all fueled by the same inner-strength that cannot be defined but somehow understood by those open enough to embrace it.
There was a quote that my friend showed me. For some reason (I think it's 'cause she's secretly a million times softer than she puts on) she temporarily carried around a "Book of Hugs" which held inspirational quotes in it last year. My favourite one was by somebody who's name wasn't interesting enough for me to remember.

"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be a friend"

I'm not saying we have to be friends, but I find myself in a state of life where I can't be lead or followed, but merely accompanied on my path.
There are some people in this world that need someone to lead. There are some who need someone to follow. There are so many other people in the world who can fill those rolls. I'm here to accompany those who are like me and just need that connection of equality.

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