Friday, January 30, 2009

Hockey Game.

Okay, you probably don't know this but I'm a total Hockey fanatic. Way more than normal for a sixteen year old girl but I've never been one to follow stereotypes.
So last Tuesday for our Young woman's activity we went swimming, but I was informed by my friends brother that the Young men were going to watch a hockey game the next day. I was totally jealous, of course, so I asked if I could come with them. Apparently the only extra tickets they had were stand-ups (when you don't actually get a seat, you're jsut allowed in) and I was kind of on the fence about whether I should even be asking so I decided I wouldn't go.
In my ward there are about thirty young men and eight young women. It's not as great as it sounds, but when I think about it I guess I preferre it this way. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if it were the other way around, with only eight young men. So, it's not that uncommon for there to be way more guys than girls at a youth activity. There was actually a hike where I was the only girl once. It was a little awkward and I had a lot of fun. To be honest with you the YM are way funner than the YW sometimes. The only thing I regretted from it was that I felt like I was getting in the way of their fun sometimes; mostly my presence prevented them from certain topics of discussion. In the end though there had to be the combined company of me and a Young Men's leader to prevent them from saying some stuff I really didn't want to hear.
Anyways, as upset as I was that I wasn't going to the hockey game, good news came today. My nephew ( Cole, who's a four year old Timbit) won a Minor Hockey Hero award provided by the friendly brainwashing of Wendys. This entitled him to several free hockey tickets to a WHL (Western Hockey League) game, and of course a twenty dollar Wendys gift card.
So I'm going to the game soon. Our team is playing the top team in the league, so we're not gaurenteed to win, but I hope Cole will still have fun, which will lead to me and my dad having fun.

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